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News Brief: Census Lauds RIC-Based Program for Partnership to Count Seniors

The U.S. Census Bureau praised AFRI's efforts in finding creative ways to conduct census-related outreach to seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

RIC’s Clarke Science Building is on the Ballot, March 2

If voters approve the bond, renovation will begin with a new addition for research laboratories.

A Legacy of Social Justice

Rhode Island College Impact

For the past 40 years, the School of Social Work has dedicated itself to social justice.

“Black Lives Matter” Course Relaunched at RIC

Rhode Island College Impact

"RIC's Africana Studies Program gave me the foundation and the inspiration to continue to love, to study and to struggle," says Charina Herrera '20.

Keeping an Ion Physics

"There are few things more beautiful than the core of a nuclear reactor," says RIC Associate Professor of Physical Sciences Benjamin Young.

RIC’s School of Nursing Takes Active Role in Diversity & Inclusion

Patrice Turnipseed, co-founder and president of the Multicultural Student Nurse Organization

Exploring the term “Latinx”

LatinX is a gender-neutral neologism, sometimes used to refer to people of Latin American cultural or ethnic identity in the United States.

News Brief: Grant Helps College Upgrade Fleet of Electric Vehicle Chargers

RIC Sustainability Coordinator Jim Murphy calls the electric vehicle chargers innovative and top of the line.

The Youth Are Taking the World Through Activism

Rhode Island College Impact

The 1960s are often thought of as the heyday of student activism in this country, but students are getting active in large numbers once again.