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A Q&A with Community Psychologist Traci Weinstein

Psych is one of RIC’s most popular majors, but what exactly does a community psychologist do?

RIC Sleuths Unravel Mysterious Objects in Archives, Then Share Findings in Podcast

“My students loved handling the objects and solving the mysteries behind them.” — Assoc. Prof. Amy Barlow

An AI-Enhanced Writing Course: A Glimpse into the Future of Education

RIC professor prepares his writing students for the age of AI.

RIC Degree in Exercise Science Led to Doctorate in Physical Therapy

For alumna Briana Gough, RIC set the stage for her doctorate.

Jhon Cardona – Hablante no nativo se convierte en experto en ESL

“A veces me pregunto cómo llegué hasta aquí. De niño, siempre quise ser médico; pero la vida te lleva a donde estas destinado a ir.” – Jhon Cardona

Jhon Cardona – Nonnative Speaker Becomes Master ESL Teacher

“I sometimes wonder how I got here. As a kid, I always wanted to be a doctor. But life takes you where you were meant to go.” – Jhon Cardona

Exhibit Celebrates Life and Art of Prof. Enrico Pinardi (1934-2021)

This exhibit runs from Oct. 3-25 at Bannister Gallery, with an opening reception on Thursday, Oct. 3, from 4-7 p.m.

New Dean Sam Terrazas Takes the Helm of RIC’s School of Social Work

Terrazas operates a private psychotherapy practice and has been a professor at institutions in the South and Southwest.

Gov. McKee Appoints RIC Prof. Jill Harrison to Serve on R.I. Ethics Commission

Harrison’s expertise will ensure that the commission’s decisions are fair, equitable and aligned with the public interest.