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High School Students Get Jumpstart on College

“I want these high school students to know that they’re a part of RIC. If we can create that sense of belonging before their freshman year, I consider that a win.”

NEW @ RIC! Foster Care Youth Scholarship Program

Tuition, fees, campus housing, meals and more are covered for eligible youth who are in or have exited foster care.

The Benefits of Learning a Second Language

Faria-Tancinco says the opportunity to listen to and speak other languages is “the beauty of America.”

The Rising Demand for Mental Health Professionals

Explore RIC’s M.S. in clinical mental health counseling program.

To Educators, the Classroom is a Calling

The demand for passionate, qualified educators has never been greater.

Fundación de RIC y Rhode Island Latino Arts otorgan fondos para pasantía estudiantil

Los estudiantes se conectan con la herencia, la comunidad y las raíces latinas en Rhode Island Latino Arts.

RIC Foundation & R.I. Latino Arts Fund Student Internship

Students connect with heritage, community and Latino roots at Rhode Island Latino Arts.

Bond Approved, Whipple Hall to Become Cyber Institute & Training Hub

This building will be a modern, state-of-the-art research, education and training facility for cybersecurity and emerging technologies.