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RIC Degree in Exercise Science Led to Doctorate in Physical Therapy

For alumna Briana Gough, Rhode Island College set the stage for the rigors of grad school.

Jalisa Torres: From Africana Studies Major to Housing Advocate

“I graduated from RIC with a nuanced understanding of identity, race, social justice and injustice.”

Tech Ed Brings Out the Kid in Alumnus Tavell Johnson

“…every day I feel like a kid in a sandbox because I get to play with different machines and teach others about those machines.”

The Best of Both Worlds – Ashley Boisvert Combines Math With Psych Major

Boisvert is now headed for a new and challenging career where she can use both skills.

Swimmer Anna Vygoder is the Quintessential Student-Athlete

“She is someone I will always remember as a fierce competitor,” says swim coach Barry Fontaine ’82.

RIC Alum Receives 2024-25 Milken Educator Award, the “Oscar” of the Teaching Profession

Maria Santonastaso now joins the roster of teachers voted best in the country. (Photo credit Milken Family Foundation)

American Public Schools in Crisis – Part II

In Part II of this Q&A, alumna Yanaiza Gallant discusses the massive teacher shortage and what real education reform could look like.

Escuelas públicas estadounidenses en crisis – Parte II

En la segunda parte de esta sesión de preguntas y respuestas, la egresada Yanaiza Gallant analiza la enorme escasez de docentes y cómo podría ser una auténtica reforma educativa.