RIC Builds Bridges for Nontraditional Students
Rhode Island College ImpactIf not for RIC’s Bridges Program, honors student Travis Dumais might not have made it to college. Today this sophomore, who has the curiosity and creativity of a young Einstein, is a psychology major, minoring in neuroscience.
MEET OUR STUDENTS: Anthony Vega: All-Star Reporter
Anthony Vega always sounds as if he’s enjoying himself and easily slips into a talk-show-host speaking style.
MEET OUR STUDENTS: Cameron Richer Opts for Path That Isn’t Paved With Ivies
Rhode Island College ImpactCameron Richer, a senior math whiz at Rhode Island College, ranked third in his class at Woonsocket High School and could have applied to any Big-10 or Ivy League school. Certainly that’s what his peers did.
MEET OUR STUDENTS: Esohe Irabor, Far From Home
Rhode Island College ImpactEsohe Irabor is a native of Washington, D.C. When asked why she chose Rhode Island College, she says, “I like to call it a happy accident.”
MEET OUR STUDENTS: Hillary Costa: Leader of RIC’s Student Body
Local politics was a frequent topic of discussion in Hillary Costa’s working-class home.
RIC Alum Writes First History of Providence Film Studio
Founded in 1915, Eastern Film Corporation was nothing more than a footnote in Rhode Island film history, until Adam Tawfik researched the full story on the Providence-based silent film studio.
MEET OUR STUDENTS: Kiana Peralta: When Dreams Defy Barriers
Eighteen-year-old freshman Kiana Peralta has struggled to become all that was forbidden by her environment.
MEET OUR STUDENTS: Travis Dumais: Budding Neuroscientist and Researcher
Sophomore Travis Dumais is majoring in psychology, with a minor in neuroscience; however, back at North Smithfield High School his singular ambition was to become a rock star.
RIC Prof. Wins 2013 Emig Award for Scholarly Article
How well do teacher education programs prepare future teachers to work in troubled schools? This is the subject of an award-winning article written by Janet Johnson, associate professor of educational studies. For her contribution to English teacher education and research, Johnson will receive the 2013 Janet Emig Award by the Conference on English Education.
RIC’s Nature Camp for Kids
Rhode Island College ImpactWhat if you could drag your kids away from the junk food, IPhones, IPods and video games and take them back to nature for a week?