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“If You Don’t Vote, Nothing Changes,” Said LGBTQ Activist Judy Shepard

"Hate starts with fear and ignorance of what you don’t understand.” — Judy Shepard

RIC is on the Ballot, Official Launch of ‘Vote Yes on 2’ Campaign

Proposed redesign of Horace Mann Hall by Durkee Brown Viveiros Werenfels Architects

Former Athletes Now RIC’s New Safety Patrol

Eric Alleyne ’15 (left) and Vandell Andrade have exchanged their basketball jerseys for polo shirts and are crisscrossing the campus instead of the court. ​They are​ RIC’s new safety patrol.​

The Mayor’s Deputy Director of Policy, Leonela Felix

Justice Studies graduates take their passion for advocacy into the legal and political arenas. Read their stories in this four-part series.

Attorney Katelyn Medeiros: Defending the Rights of Children

Justice Studies graduates take their passion for advocacy into the legal and political arenas. Read their stories in this four-part series.

Criminal Defense Attorney Allyson Quay: Fighting Injustice from the Inside

Justice Studies graduates take their passion for advocacy into the legal and political arenas. Read their stories in this four-part series.

Miriam Contreras-Morales: The Heart of an Activist

Justice Studies graduates take their passion for advocacy into the legal and political arenas. Read their stories in this four-part series.

2018 Nurse of the Year & Student Nurse of the Year

From left, Lynn Blanchette, RIC professor of nursing and associate dean of the School of Social Work; and RIC senior Laura Ramirez

College is Meant to be a Journey of Self-Discovery, Said RIC AVPs

From left: Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students Tamika Wordlow and Associate Vice President of Student Services Ducha Hang