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RIC Produces First President of a R.I. Hospital

Maria Ducharme credits Rhode Island College for shaping her as a nurse and a leader.

Alumna Builds STEAMM-Powered Nonprofit

A normal day for Beth Cunha is dropping off one of her children at school and then heading to Lower South Providence, where she rents office space at the South Side Boys &​ Girls Club.

From Unlikely Soldier to Honorable Veteran to Master's in Nursing

Once not certain about a military career, Tracey Giniatt, pictured at right with her daughter, advises students to consider options in the armed services.

Veteran Leads a COVID-19 Vaccine Effort in Rhode Island

Barrett devised a system to document the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine at three sites statewide.

Bailey Returns Home to Fulfill a Purpose-Driven Mission

Bailey has taken on a position in his hometown to help minority constituents receive the assistance they need.

From the Science Lab to Global Business: A RIC Alum’s Story

Rhode Island College Impact

Since graduating from RIC in ’05 with degrees in chemistry and computer science, Jide Okandeji earned a Ph.D. at Brown, became a lab chemist, filed four patents and is now managing products used in life-changing research and clinical diagnostics.

A Doctor With Her Finger on the Pulse of Her Community

Surgeon Dr. Moreira ’03 is leading the research at Brown’s medical school on health disparities among marginalized groups.

Alumna Teaches Physics and Self-Value to Highschoolers

Between her parents, who never limited what she could do based on gender, and her high school track coaches, who saw her innate leadership ability, Cante developed a strong sense of self. Today, she passes it on.

40 Days at Sea: RIC Alum’s Field Study

There was no wind, only an eerie calm. Sea ice floated alongside the 274-foot vessel in 0 degree temperature. On deck, a cadre of research scientists from around the world huddled in parkas in a silent, collective state of awe.

Hugh Minor Turns to Foodbank to Satisfy a Hunger to Help

Minor is communication director for the Rhode Island Community Food Bank