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Phenomenal Females: The Women of Rhode Island College
Rhode Island College ImpactThe college’s first woman graduate of color
Faculty Members Tommy Ender and Leila Rosa Awarded North Star Collective Faculty Fellowship
This new fellowship is designed to support the professional development of faculty who are Black, Indigenous and People of Color.
Six Grants in Six Years for Biochemistry Professor Jamie Towle-Weicksel
“RI-INBRE has been very good to me in supporting my research,” says Jamie Towle-Weicksel. “I am very thankful.”
Looks Like We’re Not in Kansas Anymore
While many struggle with Zoom fatigue, four professors are fostering a deeper appreciation for remote learning.
Keeping an Ion Physics
"There are few things more beautiful than the core of a nuclear reactor," says RIC Associate Professor of Physical Sciences Benjamin Young.
News Brief: Be it Violence or the Virus, Mukherjee's Focus is on Public Health and Safety
Mukherjee authors and co-authors articles.
News Brief: A Seminal Work by Prof. Frederic Reamer
In this book, Reamer tackles the effect on social workers of witnessing unsafe, incompetent and unethical behavior.
And Still I Rise: RIC Senior Ayana Bass Uplifting Others Through Education
Each one, reach one, Bass advocates.
News Brief: Professor’s Research Results in Article, Multimedia Project and Podcast
Communication professor Brian Knoth demonstrates that there are many ways to tell a story.