A Conversation with a Beautiful Mind – Philosophy Major Fathia Obabiyi
At age 22, Fathia’s understanding of the inner workings of the mind – in all its complexity – is amazing.
Conversación con una mente maravillosa: Fathia Obabiyi, estudiante de Filosofía
A sus 22 años, la comprensión de Fathia respecto al funcionamiento interno de la mente, en toda su complejidad, es asombrosa.
RIC Medical Imaging Students Secure 98% Job Placement Rate
“We have students getting jobs before they graduate.”
Strategic Communication Major Finds Degree Tailored to Her Talents
“I knew I was good at talking to people and I knew I was skilled in social media ... but I didn’t think I could make a career out of it.”
Jalisa Torres: From Africana Studies Major to Housing Advocate
“I graduated from RIC with a nuanced understanding of identity, race, social justice and injustice.”
Tech Ed Brings Out the Kid in Alumnus Tavell Johnson
“…every day I feel like a kid in a sandbox because I get to play with different machines and teach others about those machines.”
Dr. Jack R. Warner Officially Installed as 11th President of Rhode Island College
The inauguration was held on campus Friday with an installation ceremony followed by a gala
A Golden Age of Hoops for RIC Women’s Basketball
Coach credits staff, players for an extraordinary track record.
Fundación de RIC y Rhode Island Latino Arts otorgan fondos para pasantía estudiantil
Los estudiantes se conectan con la herencia, la comunidad y las raíces latinas en Rhode Island Latino Arts.
RIC Foundation & R.I. Latino Arts Fund Student Internship
Students connect with heritage, community and Latino roots at Rhode Island Latino Arts.