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RIC Alumni Dominate PBN’s 40 Under Forty 2023 Awards

Forty top young professionals are being recognized by Providence Business News. Six of them earned their degrees at RIC.

5 Companies Founded by RIC Entrepreneurs

65% of RIC graduates live and work in Rhode Island. Many have built their own Rhode Island-based businesses, enriching the R.I. economy.

This Alum Says His Time at RIC Laid the Foundation for His Business

Nigel Evangelista ’09 is owner of GET STRONG, a strength-training facility that caters to people over 50.

Adams Library at Rhode Island College to House Langevin Congressional Archives

Rhode Island College Impact

U.S. Rep. James Langevin ’90, a RIC alumnus, has donated his collection of documents and photos to the college for preservation and public accessibility.

RIC Alumni Increase Latinx Representation at Your Local Liquor Store

Papi’s Coquito, an alcoholic drink, was recreated to bring a tropical touch to the people of Rhode Island. 

What Do You Do With an English Degree?

Rhode Island College Impact

Let these successful alumni show you what they did with theirs.

A Haunting First Novel by Riss Neilson ’17

“[‘Deep in Providence’] is the perfect combination of terror and tenderness,” says one reviewer.

RI-PBS is Airing Historical Documentary Series by RIC Film Studies Alum

Over 10 years in the making, “Slatersville” is a documentary by award-winning filmmaker Christian de Rezendes that tells the story of a mill village in northern Rhode Island that ignited the American Industrial Revolution.

A Latina Strives to Change the Statistics in Her Community

Hispanics are still underrepresented in the STEM fields, says Angeliz Vargas, a mathematics major.

RIC Produces Doctors, Too

Alumni retrace their journey to medical practice. (Pictured, dental student Romeo Ghraieb ’20)