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Is Rhode Island Prepared for a Rapidly Aging Population?
By 2030, there won’t be a single baby boomer under the age of 65. By 2035, people 65 years and older will outnumber children for the first time in U.S. history.
SBIRT in Action – Opening Up Conversations on Substance Use
Rhode Island College nursing student Meaghan Whittum discusses patient with her health-care team.
MEET OUR GRADUATES: Tracy Harnesses the Power of Passing it On
While attending Rhode Island College full time and raising two children, psychology major Tracy Gaie (Soa) has also been building an elementary school in Liberia.
RIC Students Recognized as Leaders for Serving the Greater Good
Rhode Island College’s 11th annual Student Leadership Awards ceremony honored seven students and one student organization.
McNair Scholars Challenge Perceptions of Identity
Psychology major, Jeremi Evangelista researched stereotypes among members of the LGBT community around masculinity and femininity.
What You Need to Know to Use Social Media Professionally
Today, social media is considered integral to the success of virtually any organization. But what kind of on-the-job training do employers offer in using social media professionally or are employees expected to figure it out as they go along?
Lift Yourself Out of Depression
Exercise physiologist Jason Sawyer is researching the role of exercise in treating depression.
Exploring Boundaries in “Exit West”
From left, RIC juniors Joseph Ricci, Skyler Davis and Amy Irons performed their spoken word poem at this year’s Open Books – Open Minds Student Conference
To Legalize or Not to Legalize, That is the Question
RIC sociology faculty weigh in on the legalization of marijuana in R.I.
Dry Bones Come Alive for RIC Alumna Michelle Valletta
RIC's North Burial Ground Project provides experiential learning opportunities for faculty and students that benefit the greater Rhode Island community.