Writing in the Disciplines New Course Proposal

Part I: Overview


Part II. Fulfilling WID Guidelines

The WID program is administered by the campus Writing Board, a cross-disciplinary group of faculty who review WID proposals, collaborate with departments/programs to assess WID, and provide ongoing professional development on writing and pedagogy. The Writing Board views writing as crucial to learning and knowledge creation and emphasizes the importance of evidence-based approaches to the teaching of writing. If you have not already reviewed the Writing Board’s Writing in the Disciplines Guidelines, please take a moment to do so before going further with this proposal.

The Writing in the Disciplines Guidelines articulate principles to guide the teaching of WID classes. If you are proposing that a new course be added to your WID Program, please fill out the information below and explain how the course will meet and fulfill the principles articulated in the statement. Please be as specific and detailed as possible.

WID Principals

Please detail how writing will be a central component of this WID course by specifying the percentages of students’ grades that will be based on various writing assignments (e.g., low-stakes, high-stakes). Note: Writing assignments and projects should account for 40-60% of the final course grade, though exceeding 60% is also acceptable.
Please describe how class time will be allocated to teaching effective writing in this WID course. Specify the activities and methods you will use, such as discussion and analysis of assignment guidelines, peer reviews, workshops, examination of model texts, and writing conferences.
Please describe how writing will be integrated throughout the term in this WID course. Specify how major assignments will incorporate the full writing process (prewriting, drafting, research, revising, editing) and how minor assignments will support larger projects or course content learning.
Please describe the diverse and varied forms of writing that will be included in this WID course. Specify the range of assignments, from low-stakes (e.g., in-class reflections, notes) to high-stakes (e.g., research reports, proofs, term papers, précis, essays), and how these assignments will enhance learning and demonstrate content knowledge.
Please copy and paste your syllabus statement here.

Part III. Sample Syllabus

Please attach a draft syllabus for your WID class. This should provide at least:

  • An articulation of the writing assignments in which students will engage and how each will factor into the final course grade
  • Examples of assignment guidelines which the faculty member and students will discuss and use in the class

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