Other Portuguese Programs and Programs Accepting Portuguese Electives


Other Portuguese-Related Programs

World Languages Education Program

The World Languages Education Program in the Department of Educational Studies provides these programs:

RITE Program

If you hold a bachelor’s degree and have majored in or completed a substantial amount of coursework in Portuguese, you may pursue secondary education teaching certification through the Rhode Island Teacher Education (RITE) Program

Professional Studies and Continuing Education

Programs Accepting Portuguese Electives

Portuguese electives count in the following programs:

Take These Steps

Portuguese Self-Assessment Test

Do you have some knowledge of Portuguese? Whether you took classes in high school or grew up in a Portuguese-speaking household, expanding your current knowledge of Portuguese gives you an opportunity to develop an academic and professional strategy at RIC that will make you stand out in your future career(s).

The Portuguese Self-Assessment Test provides you with feedback on your proficiency in Portuguese and helps you plan for your course enrollment at Rhode Island College. It can also be useful for thinking about how easy it might be to pursue a minor or major in Portuguese. If you understand spoken Portuguese and are disappointed with your score, it only means that you need more exposure to the written usage of Portuguese.

The Portuguese Self-Assessment Test assumes that you have had some prior instruction in Portuguese or have been exposed to the Portuguese language to an extent that PORT 102 or above will be in your best interest. It is not intended for awarding college credits or testing out of General Education requirements.

Note that Portuguese classes fulfil General Education requirements in the Literature/Language distribution category (PORT 102, PORT 113, PORT 114, PORT 115) and the Additional General Education Electives category (PORT 101, PORT 102, PORT 113, PORT 114, PORT 115). Are you curious to see where you would place? The Portuguese Self-Assessment Test is free for RIC students. Contact the program director, Professor Silvia Oliveira with any questions.

Sign Up for the Portuguese Self Assessment Test

Study Abroad

Students are encouraged to study abroad during the summer for one semester or for one full academic year at a University in a Portuguese-speaking country. There are many advantages:

  • boost your linguistic and cross-cultural abilities in Portuguese while receiving academic credit toward your Portuguese concentration or minor.
  • fulfill your General Education courses in English
  • transfer credits earned abroad to your major
  • engage in an English-language or Portuguese-language internship
  • enhance your curriculum by demonstrating your capacity to adapt to a new linguistic and cultural environment.  

Apply for study abroad scholarships at the Institute for Portuguese and Lusophone World Studies and through the Office of Study Abroad.

The Study in Portugal Network (SiPN) is Rhode Island College’s preferred program provider for studying and interning in Portugal.

Watch the videos "Summer Abroad Program” and “How to Choose Your Semester,” and contact Professor Silvia Oliveira.

Rhode Island College entrance


Portuguese Studies Program

The Portuguese Studies Program will take you from second-language beginner proficiency to advanced levels of proficiency.