Latest Service and Excellence Award Recipients
Rhode Island College wants to thank and congratulate the faculty and staff who have reached these milestones and achieved this level of excellence.
President’s Awards for Excellence
- Faculty: Joanne Costello
- Adjunct Faculty: Susan Lawler
- Professional Staff: Robert Ferland
- Support Staff Council 94, Local 2878: Raymond Manzi
- Support Staff Council 94, Local 2879: Lisa A. Ferri
Vice President Emerita of Development and College Relations
- Marguerite M. Brown, Ph.D.
40+ Years of Service
- Fredric Agatstein, Professor, Psychology Department
- Stephen Albanese, Grounds Superintendent, Landscaping and Grounds
- Joan Dagle, Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts & Sciences
- Frederick Harrop, Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences
- Pamela Jackson, Professor, Sociology Department
- Kathryn Kalinak, Professor, English Department
- Rosina Misuraca, Higher Ed Administrative Assistant II, Feinstein School of Education & Human Development
- Holly Shadoian, Vice Provost of Undergraduate Affairs, Academic Affairs
- Judith Stillman, Professor, Music, Theatre, and Dance Department
30 Years of Service
- Robin Auld, Associate Professor, Health and Physical Education Department
- Paul Banna, Mechanical and Electrical Shop Supervisor, Maintenance and Repairs
- David Blanchette, Associate Professor, Management and Marketing Department
- Nancy Bockbrader, Professor, Art Department
- Gita Brown, Senior Writer/Editor, College Communications and Marketing
- Mary Byrd, Professor, Nursing Undergraduate
- Laura Cooley, Professor, Physical Sciences Department
- Robin D'Agostino, Building Superintendent, Custodial Services
- Mark DeLellis, Manager, Campus Environmental Functions and Services, Physical Plant Administration
- Maurice Dillon, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- David Filipek, Associate Professor, Accounting Department
- Stephen Fisher, Professor, Art Department
- Debra Ginolfi, Business Management Officer, College Dining Services
- Claus Hofhansel, Professor, Political Science Department
- Deborah Iannuccilli, Senior Accountant, Accounting Office
- Walter Jasionowski, Assistant Director, Dining Procurement & Resources, College Dining Services
- Laurie Joline, Technical Support Specialist II (DOS/MVS), User Support Services
- Eung-Jun Min, Professor, Communication Department
- Darek Niklas, Professor, Sociology Department
- Anthony Peters, Building Superintendent, Willard Hall
- Joanne Schneider, Professor, History Department
- Leslie Schuster, Professor, History Department
- Charles Simpson, Shop and Lab Technician II, Physical Sciences Department
- John Sumerlin, Professor, Music, Theatre, and Dance Department
- Adolfo Torcicollo, Power Plant Operator, Maintenance and Repairs
- Ying Zhou, Professor, Mathematical Sciences
20 Years of Service
- Jason Anthony, Director of Admissions, Campus Visit Experience, Admissions Office
- Brian Baker, Library Supervisor in Access Services, Adams Library
- Dennis Battista, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Karl Benziger, Professor, History Department
- Nancy Bessette, Senior Associate Director, Financial Aid (Client Services & Data Management), Financial Aid
- Brenda Bocchini, Personnel Aide, Career Development Center
- Lesley Bogad, Professor, Educational Studies Department
- Charles Boisvert, Professor, Counseling, Educational Leadership, and School Psychology Department
- Karen Boren, Professor, English Department
- Douglas Bosch, Professor, Art Department
- Carlo Cantarella, Head Athletic Trainer, Intercollegiate Athletics, Intramurals, and Recreation
- Rafael Carrasco, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Lisa Church, Associate Professor, Accounting Department
- Desirée Ciambrone, Professor, Sociology Department
- Teresa Coffman, Professor, Music, Theatre, and Dance Department
- Suzanne Conklin, Associate Professor, Biology Department
- Andrew Coughlin, Assistant Athletic Director for Athletics and Recreational Facilities, Intercollegiate Athletics, Intramurals, and Recreation
- Jo-Ann D'Alessandro, Associate Director of Athletics, Intercollegiate Athletics, Intramurals, and Recreation
- Tessa DaLuz-Osimboni, Higher Education Administrative Assistant II, Psychology Department
- Jayson DeCosta, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Sherry Di Biase, Assistant Administrative Officer, Counseling Center
- Andrea Dunn, Assistant Athletic Trainer, Intercollegiate Athletics, Intramurals, and Recreation
- Valerie Endress, Associate Professor, Communication Department
- Joseph Foley, Professor, Music, Theatre, and Dance Department
- Greg Gammell, Director, Facilities and Operations, Physical Plant Administration
- Tonya Glantz, Interim Executive Director, Institute for Education in Healthcare, Management and Marketing Dept.
- Kathleen Gonsalves, Payroll Manager, Payroll Office
- Alvaro Gonzalez, Senior Information Technologist, Management Information Services
- Anne Goodrow, Professor, Elementary Education Department
- Katherine Greenwell, Assistant Coordinator, Educational Advocate Program, Sherlock Center on Disabilities
- Maryellen Hagerty, Educational Advocate, Sherlock Center on Disabilities
- David Hunt, Carpenter, Maintenance and Repairs
- Zubeda Jalalzai, Professor, English Department
- Paul Janaway, Associate Professor, Health and Physical Education Department
- Randi Kim, Professor, Psychology Department
- Raimundo Kovac, Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences
- Maria Lawrence, Professor, Elementary Education Department
- Antonio Lopes, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Christine Marco, Professor, Psychology Department
- Diane Martell, Professor, MSW Program
- Charles McLaughlin, Professor, Educational Studies Department
- John Mello, Lead Information Technologist, User Support Services
- Peter Mendy, Professor, History Department
- Ellen Morais, Information Services Technician I, Nursing Graduate
- Jeanne Morris, Higher Education Administrative Assistant II, Special Education Department
- Jayashree Nimmagadda, Professor, MSW Program
- Mary Pallack, Associate Director, Sherlock Center on Disabilities
- Carol Peck, Assistant Administrative Officer, Intercollegiate Athletics, Intramurals, and Recreation
- Janet Phillips, Assistant Director, Dining Operations & Readiness, College Dining Services
- Alan Pickart, Professor, Music, Theatre, and Dance Department
- Hugo Pineda, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Jacqueline Riccio-Beste, Higher Education Administrative Assistant I, School of Social Work
- Steven Rivers, Professor, Physical Sciences Department
- Scott Roy, Assistant Athletic Director, External Affairs, Intercollegiate Athletics, Intramurals, and Recreation
- Eileen Ryan, Clerk Secretary, School of Social Work
- Thomas Schmeling, Associate Professor, Political Science Department
- Ludmila Shalapyonok, Senior Programmer/Analyst, Management Information Services
- Jessica Silva Cimorelli, Director-Purchasing, Purchasing Office
- Henk Sonder, Director - Information Security, Information Security
- Rebecca Sparks, Professor, Mathematical Sciences
- Dana Stark, Network Technician III, Network and Telecommunications
- Christopher Teixeira, Professor, Mathematical Sciences
- Julie Teixeira, Administrative Officer, Physical Plant Administration
- Joseph Tiernan, Campus Police Officer (RIC), Security and Safety Department
- David Toms, Director User Support Services, User Support Services
- Phillip Tow, Senior Programmer Analyst, Management Information Services
- Joanne Valente, Information Services Technician II, Adams Library
- Donna Vessella, Accounts Payable Manager, Accounting Office
- Chhann Ya, Library Assistant Cataloging, Adams Library
- Bin Yu, Director of Management Information Services, Management Information Services
10 Years of Service
- Karla Andrews, Coordinator, Capital Projects, Capital Projects Administration
- Mikaila Mariel Lemonik Arthur, Professor, Sociology Department
- Kieran Ayton, Associate Professor, Adams Library
- Craig Bachman, Professor, Art Department
- Valerie Bartlett, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Stefan Battle, Professor, MSW Program
- Kathleen Blaine, Cook's Helper, College Dining Services
- Samuel Breene, Professor, Music, Theatre, and Dance Department
- Veronica Bruscini, Coordinator, FCTL Events & Services, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
- John Burke, Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences
- Becky Caouette, Professor, English Department
- Lisa Cappelli, Higher Education Administrative Assistant II, Feinstein School of Education and Human Development
- Tanni Chaudhuri, Associate Professor, Sociology Department
- Louisa Chen, Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments, Sherlock Center, Vision Education and Services Program
- Donald Choquette, Warehouse Supervisor, Physical Plant Administration
- Erik Christiansen, Professor, History Department
- Emily Cook, Professor, Psychology Department
- Dilceia Coutinho, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Carol Cummings, Interim Dean of Feinstein School of Education and Human Development, Feinstein School of Education and Human Development
- Linda Dame, Associate Professor, Nursing Graduate
- Megan Di Bonaventura, Coordinator, Math Learning Center, Academic Success Center
- Seth Dixon, Associate Professor, Political Science Department
- Elizabeth Doyle-Payne, Teacher of Students and Visual Impairments, Sherlock Center, Vision Education and Services Program
- Richard Driscoll, Cook's Helper, College Dining Services
- Anita Duneer, Professor, English Department
- Robert Dupre, Food Services Administrator, College Dining Services
- Jeffrey Fryer, Campus Police Officer (RIC) Security and Safety Department
- Sharon Galloway, Associate Professor, Nursing Undergraduate
- R. Galvez, Associate Professor, Communication Department
- Camelia Garcia, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- David Gentile, Principal Cook, College Dining Services
- Peter Gibb, Assistant Director, Residential Life - Operations, Residential Life and Housing
- Gregory Golden, Associate Professor, History Department
- Jeana Halstead, Higher Education Administrative Assistant II, Residential Life and Housing
- Julia Held, Assistant Professor, Biology Department
- Michael Herchen, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Jennifer Holl, Professor, English Department
- Julie Horwitz, Professor, Educational Studies Department
- Michael Imbriglio, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Paul Jacques, Professor, Management and Marketing Department
- Prachi Kene, Professor, Counseling, Educational Leadership, and School Psychology Department
- April Kiser, Assistant Professor, History Department
- Christine Kunkel, Associate Professor, Counseling, Educational Leadership, and School Psychology Department
- Deborah Kutenplon, Associate Professor, Nursing Undergraduate
- Paul LaCava, Associate Professor, Special Education Department
- Victor Lanza, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Tyler Laroche, Senior Enrollment Services Representative, Office of the Bursar
- Chin Hin Leung, Associate Professor, Physical Sciences Department
- Robyn Linde, Professor, Political Science Department
- Meredith Mahoney, Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments, Sherlock Center, Vision Education and Services Program
- Daniel McCarthy, Senior Programmer/Analyst, Management Information Services
- Cara McDermott-Fasy, Associate Professor, Special Education Department
- David McEnery, Network Technician III, Network and Telecommunications
- Bradley Mehlenbacher, Higher Education Administrative Assistant II, Arts and Sciences
- Robert Menard, Campus Police Officer (RIC), Security and Safety Department
- Aristides Mercado, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Christina Messina, Assistant to the President, Office of the President
- Demetria Moran, Director, Career Development Center, Career Development Center
- Maria Muccio-Raposo, Director, Center for Scholar Development, Center for Scholar Development
- James Murphy, Assistant Director of Facilities & Ops/Sustainability & Logistics, Physical Plant Administration
- Liberty Nacional-Valladolid, Housekeeper, Penfield Hall
- Carolyn Obel-Omia, Associate Professor, Elementary Education Department
- Anne O'Connell, Cook's Helper, College Dining Services
- Olubunmi Okele, Budget Specialist III, Administration and Finance
- Janice Okoomian, Assistant Professor, English Department
- Silvia Oliveira, Associate Professor, Modern Languages Department
- George Pearson, Campus Police Officer (RIC), Security and Safety Department
- Kristen Pepin, Assistant Professor, Health and Physical Education Department
- Bethany Petronio-DeFanti, Associate Professor, Nursing Undergraduate
- Nada Petrovic, Interim Director of Sponsored Programs, Office of Sponsored Programs
- Sara Picard, Associate Professor, Art Department
- Marianne Raimondo, Interim Dean - School of Business, School of Business
- Derek Raposo, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Jimena Resto, Lead Programmer/Analyst, Management Information Services
- Jose Reyes, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Frangely Rojas, Academic Coordinator, Upward Bound
- Jonathan Rosa, Technical Director - Nazarian Center, College Events & Conference Services
- Oscar Rosa, Senior Janitor, College Dining Services
- Penni Sadlon, Assistant Professor, Nursing Undergraduate
- Eugenia Santos, Educational Advocate, Sherlock Center on Disabilities
- Kyle Schneider, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Louis Scotti, Senior Maintenance Technician, Maintenance and Repairs
- Alison Shonkwiler, Professor, English Department
- Eduarda Sousa, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Jayson Spas, Professor, Psychology Department
- Geoff Stilwell, Associate Professor, Biology Department
- Ronald Sutherland, Coordinator of Aquatics, Intercollegiate Athletics, Intramurals, and Recreation
- Sanae Tashiro, Professor, Economics and Finance Department
- Christina Tortolani, Associate Professor, Counseling, Educational Leadership, and School Psychology Department
- Ronya Traynham, Transfer Advisor, Student Support Services, Student Support Services
- Nilton Vaz, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Cindy Ventura, Cook's Helper, College Dining Services
- Mary White, Higher Ed Payroll Office Pre-audit Clerk, Payroll Office
- Jorge Wilhelm, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Jiyun Wu, Associate Professor, Management and Marketing Department
- Charles Youn, Program Coordinator, Upward Bound, Upward Bound
5 Years of Service
- Olga Aguiar, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Giselle Auger, Professor, Communication Department
- Amy Avila, Associate Registrar, Registrar's Office
- Michelle Bargteil, Assistant Professor, Nursing Undergraduate
- Amy Barlow, Associate Professor, Adams Library
- Eliani Basile, Associate Professor, Modern Languages Department
- Jennifer Bell-Cole, Graphic Communications Specialist, College Communications and Marketing
- Charles Bennett, Senior Maintenance Technician, Maintenance and Repairs
- Jeremy Benson, Associate Professor, Educational Studies Department
- Sadhana Bery, Assistant Professor, Africana Studies
- Darleen Blais, Information Services Technician II, Financial Aid
- Todd Borgerding, Associate Professor, Music, Theatre, and Dance Department
- Sheri Boucher, Assistant Professor, Nursing Undergraduate
- Aswood Bousseau, Associate Professor, MSW Program
- Maria Boutier, Bursar, Office of the Bursar
- Caroline Boutros, Cook's Helper, College Dining Services
- Melissa Braga, Executive Assistant II to the Office of the Vice President for Student Success, Student Success
- Michael Caine, Technician Support Specialist I (UNIX/NETWORKS), User Support Services
- Anna Cano-Morales, Interim Vice President of External Relations & Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Jesse Capece, Associate Professor, BSW Program
- Nicole Carrier, Assistant Professor, Biology Department
- Nelson Catano, Housekeeper, Weber Hall
- Rachel Clemons, Coordinator, Field Education Youth Development Program, Educational Studies Department
- Celeste Comeau-Mullane, Director of Partnerships and Placements, Office of Partnerships and Placements
- Patrick Conaty, Campus Police Sergeant (RIC), Security and Safety Department
- Lisa Connelly, Assistant Professor, Nursing Undergraduate
- Christine Connolly, Associate Professor, Management and Marketing Department
- Jennifer Cosgrove, Head Women's Basketball Coach, Intercollegiate Athletics, Intramurals, and Recreation
- Sean Cote, Assistant Professor, Accounting Department
- Michelle Crossley, Associate Professor, Counseling, Educational Leadership, and School Psychology Department
- Andrew Davis, Digital Initiatives Coordinator / College Library, Adams Library
- Devon Decker, Higher Education Administrative Assistant II, Arts and Sciences
- Frank Del Santo, Campus Police Officer (RIC), Security and Safety Department
- Carissa DeLizio, Director - Adams Library, Adams Library
- Ronald DePari, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Joshua Diem, Associate Professor, BSW Program
- David Dipippo, Groundskeeper, Landscaping and Grounds
- Donna Dorsey, Personnel Aide, Career Development Center
- Andrea Dottolo, Professor, Psychology Department
- Frank Drowne, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Benjamin Dugas, Coordinator, Assistive Technology, Disability Services
- Stephen Duncan, Professor, Philosophy Department
- Elijah Edelman, Associate Professor, Anthropology Department
- Laura Faria-Tancinco, Coordinator of the English as Second Language Intensive Program, Continuing Education
- Jennifer Fearon-Lynch, Associate Professor, Nursing Undergraduate
- Suzann Francisco, Billings and Collections Coordinator, Accounting Office
- Jianxi Fu, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Jenlyn Furey, Associate Professor, Counseling, Educational Leadership, and School Psychology Department
- Victoria Gao, Director, Bannister Gallery and Exhibitions, Bannister Gallery
- Joise Garzon, Assistant Professor, MSW Program
- Dragan Gill, Associate Professor, Adams Library
- Clark Greene, Senior Advisor to President/Chief of Staff, Office of the President
- Esperanza Gutierrez, Assistant Professor, Nursing Undergraduate
- Mark Hamel, Cook's Helper, College Dining Services
- Geoffrey Harkness, Associate Professor, Sociology Department
- Brandon Hawk, Associate Professor, English Department
- Miguelina Henderson, Building Superintendent, Custodial Services
- Sara Henderson, Cook, College Dining Services
- Sarah Hesson, Associate Professor, Educational Studies Department
- Daniel Hewins, Associate Professor, Biology Department
- Kenneth Hughes, Specialist, Logistics and Inventory, Biology Department
- Susan Iovini, Accountant I - Financial Statements Fixed Assets, Accounting Office
- Gerard Isom, Cook, College Dining Services
- Larry Jensen, Cook, College Dining Services
- Kudirat Kafo, Project Director II, TRIO, Student Support Services, Center for Scholar Development
- Julia Kamenetsky, Psychologist / Outreach Coordinator, Counseling Center
- Jeanine Kent, Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments, Sherlock Center, Vision Education and Services Program
- Elizabeth Kiesewetter, Associate Professor, Physical Sciences Department
- Jinsoo Kim, Associate Professor, Communication Department
- Moonsil Kim, Associate Professor, History Department
- Brian Knoth, Associate Professor, Communication Department
- Katherine Lacasse, Associate Professor, Psychology Department
- Marc Lepore, Purchasing Coordinator, Purchasing Office
- Victor Lindo, Senior Maintenance Technician, Maintenance and Repairs
- Rosa Lindo, Cook's Helper, College Dining Services
- Peter Little, Professor, Anthropology Department
- Qian Liu, Associate Professor, Computer Science Information Systems Department
- Margaret Lynch-Gadaleta, General Counsel / Interim Vice President of Human Resources, Institutional Equity
- Clara Madera, Housekeeper, Penfield Hall
- David Mancone, Housekeeper DDC, College Dining Services
- Melissa Marcotte, Associate Professor, Psychology Department
- John Margarida, Assistant Professor, Accounting Department
- Patricia Maris, Early Intervention Technical Assistance Specialist, Sherlock Center on Disabilities
- Raegan McVay, Clinical and Laboratory Coordinator-Nursing, Nursing Undergraduate
- Mark Medwid, Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences
- Suzanne Mello-Stark, Associate Professor, Computer Science Information Systems Department
- Linda Mendonca, Assistant Professor, Nursing Undergraduate
- Patrice Mettauer, Assistant Vice Provost, Academic Affairs
- Adam Misturado, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Zhiwei Mo, Groundskeeper, Landscaping and Grounds
- Pamela Montes, Technician Support Specialist I (UNIX/NETWORKS, User Support Services
- Soumyadeep Mukherjee, Associate Professor, Health and Physical Education Department
- Stephen Nedder, Vice President, Administration and Finance, Administration and Finance
- Tamara Nopper, Assistant Professor, Sociology Department
- Medini Padmanabhan, Associate Professor, Physical Sciences Department
- Erin Papa, Assistant Professor, Educational Studies Department
- Marco Patricio, Senior Cook, College Dining Services
- Larissa Patterson, Associate Professor, Biology Department
- Jessica Pearson, Associate Professor, Music, Theatre, and Dance Department
- Joyce Perry, Assistant Professor, Computer Science Information Systems Department
- Adele Petrarca, Senior Cook, College Dining Services
- Elizabeth Pfeiffer, Associate Professor, Anthropology Department
- Beth Pinheiro, Associate Professor, Elementary Education Department
- Leonardo Pinheiro, Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences
- Kristen Procopio, Associate Director Institutional Research and Planning, Institutional Research and Planning
- Jared Ralph, Cook's Helper, College Dining Services
- David Ramirez, Associate Professor, Modern Languages Department
- Carse Ramos, Associate Professor, Sociology Department
- Carmen Ramos, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Sankeerth Rampa, Associate Professor, Management and Marketing Department
- Kenny Raposo, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Anabela Resende da Maia, Associate Professor, Biology Department
- Victoria Restler, Associate Professor, Educational Studies Department
- Christie Rishworth, Nurse Practitioner, College Health Services
- Alexis Rogel, Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Academic Affairs, Academic Affairs
- Natalie Rogol, Associate Professor, Political Science Department
- Kemal Saatcioglu, Associate Professor, Economics and Finance Department
- Viviana Salazar, Central Mail Clerk, Central Mail Services
- Trinidad Salguero, Housekeeper, Browne Hall
- Brunette Salomon, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Ana Sanchez, Housekeeper, Penfield Hall
- Andrew Sandlin, Lead Web Developer/Designer, Web Communications
- Ana Santana, Cook, College Dining Services
- Sylvia Santiago, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Manon Sarasin, Assistant Professor, Nursing Undergraduate
- McKenzie Saunders, Assistant Administrative Officer, Nursing Undergraduate
- Margaret Schlageter, Campus Police Officer (RIC), Security and Safety Department
- Marcia Selinger, Advancement Services Manager, Alumni Relations
- Susanne Senra, Personnel (Human Resources) Assistant (Benefits), Human Resources
- Rebecca Shipe, Associate Professor, Art Department
- Carrie Shipers, Associate Professor, English Department
- Rosalind Sibielski, Assistant Professor, English Department
- Danielle Silva, Coordinator of HR/Classified Service, Human Resources
- Amal Simon, Executive Assistant to the Vice President of College Advancement and Executive Director of the Foundation, College Advancement
- Jennifer Smith, Assistant Business Management Officer, User Support Services
- Julio Soriano Familia, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- John St Lawrence, Campus Police Lieutenant (RIC), Security and Safety Department
- Gregory Stewart, Business Analyst, HR Operations, Human Resources
- Megan Sumeracki, Associate Professor, Psychology Department
- Soraya Sundberg, Grant and Contract Specialist (Post Award), Office of Sponsored Programs
- John Taraborelli, Director, Communications & Public Relations, College Communications and Marketing
- Jeffrey Theodore, Writer/Editor, College Communications and Marketing
- Gladis Tinoco, Housekeeper, Custodial Services
- Anika Toorie, Associate Professor, Biology Department
- Jamie Towle-Weicksel, Associate Professor, Physical Sciences Department
- Jonathan Trafford-Seabra, Senior Information Technologist, User Support Services
- Jennifer Walrad, Associate Professor, Music, Theatre, and Dance Department
- Traci Weinstein, Associate Professor, Psychology Department
- Susan Weiss, Associate Professor, Accounting Department
- Mary West, Chief Accountant, Accounting Office
- Crandon Whitsitt-Lynch, Shop and Lab Technician II, Art Department
- Benjamin Young, Associate Professor, Physical Sciences Department
- Susan Zoll, Associate Professor, Elementary Education Department
- Mario Zuniga Valencia, Principal Cook, College Dining Services

Office of Human Resources
The Office of Human Resources supports the college’s mission and vision by providing essential and responsive HR services in a respectful, fair and equitable manner to faculty, staff, administrators and other stakeholders.
- phone(401) 456-8216
- placeBuilding #6 East Campus