Faculty Researchers
Research Interests
Bioenergetics, Metabolism, DNA damage response, Protein purification, Structure function studies
Physical Chemistry
Research Interests
Fluorescence, Tryptophan, Micelles, Fluorescence anisotropy, Binding studies
Materials Science
Research Interests
Thin films, metals, mechanical properties, colloids, crystal structure, crystal growth, soft materials
Chemistry, Oceanography
Research Interests
Fate and transport of road salt in Rhode Island freshwater systems and the potential impacts on the Narragansett Bay watershed; Biogeochemical cycles and chemical distributions in coastal waters, including Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island Sound, and Block Island Sound
Analytical Chemistry
Research Interests
Ion analysis of freshwater systems, metal analysis, atomic absorption spectroscopy, chromatography
Inorganic/Organometallic Chemistry
Research Interests
Green Chemistry, Renewable Chemical Feedstocks, Organometallics, Catalysis, Inorganic Synthesis, Ligand Synthesis, DNA-binding Metal Complexes, Metal-based Antitumor Compounds
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Research Interests
Electronic devices, Micro/nano structured materials, Transport measurements in thin films, Optical characterization, Electrochemical growth
Research Interests
Theoretical & Computational physics with a focus on Renormalization-Group Theory, Field Theory, Diophantine Polynomials, Number Theory, Riemannian Topology, Ising Networks, Competition
Research Interests
Polymerase kinetics, DNA repair, cancer, melanoma, protein purification, protein dynamics, fluorescence resonance energy transfer
Research Interests
Surface and Interface Physics, Crystallography, Ion Bombardment, Geiger-Muller tubes and fast pulse counting, Electron Spectroscopies, Monte Carlo Simulation, XPS core and valence models
American Chemical Society Undergraduate Research in Chemistry
Fermilab Summer Internships in Science & Technology
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research
National Nanotechnology Nanostructure Network
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
National Science Foundation REU
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)
Undergraduate Summer Research Opportunities
U.S. Department of Agriculture