Emergency Management

Weather Advisory: Sunday, February 9
Due to predicted severe winter weather, all classes on Sunday, February 9 will be delivered online. Additionally, all on campus events on Sunday, February 9 will be delayed until 4 pm.
Parking Ban
A partial parking ban will be in effect at 9 pm tonight (February 8) through 4 pm on Sunday, February 9. Students in residence halls are requested to park in Lot L. Faculty and staff are requested to park in Lot A, Lot D or Lot J. Faculty, staff or students on East Campus may use the parking lot between the Recreation Center and the Forman Center.
Staff Reporting
RIC will maintain normal business operations. All essential employees must report to work. Non-essential employees may work remotely if feasible with the approval of their supervisor. Non-essential employees may also request to discharge vacation or personal leave.
Donovan Dining Center will be open as usual. Service offerings may be modified if conditions warrant.
Adams Library will be open.
Recreation Center
The Recreation Center will be open.
More Info & Updates
Further updates will be posted here and on Facebook. We will do our best to keep everyone safe and informed.
During any significant weather event or emergency, alerts will be posted on RIC’s official websites and sent by text message to all RICAlert subscribers. Additionally, pertinent information will be available on RIC’s social media accounts and on local radio and TV stations.
During an Emergency – Who to Contact
In the event of an on-campus emergency, please reach out to the Office of Campus Police.
RICAlert Text Messaging System
It is recommended that all campus constituents register for the Rhode Island College Emergency Notification System, RICAlert. In the event of adverse weather conditions affecting classes or travel (such as snow, flooding, hurricane, tornado, fire, power outages) RICAlert will send you notifications of delays, cancellations and closures on campus. The college sends RICAlert notifications after consultation with the division of Administration and Finance and the National Weather Service.
Delays and Closures
In the event of delays or class/college closures, Rhode Island College will post information in accordance with the class cancellation / college closing policy. Employees should also consult the college's Adverse Weather Policy for more information.
Posting of Delays and Closures
In addition to the RICAlert notifications, notices of delays and closures will be posted on:
- www.ric.edu and our.ric.edu
- local radio and television stations via the Rhode Island Broadcasters Association consortium
- RIC on Facebook and RIC on Twitter