Honors Program in Art

Honors in Art offers the opportunity to conduct an independent research, critical, or creative project on a topic of your choice. Students may apply for honors in Art History, Art Education and Studio Art.
Admission Requirements
You may apply for admission between your fourth and sixth semesters. You also must have and maintain a minimum overall GPA of at least 3.00, and a minimum GPA in the major within the department of 3.25. Exceptions to these minimum standards may be made but students thus admitted will be considered to have only probationary status. A written application for admission must be submitted to the Art Department chair who will, after review, refer you to the chair of the Honors Committee. This committee, comprised of three area coordinators, will, in your presence, evaluate your project for honors. The final grade for your project is the sole responsibility of your faculty advisor(s) who will oversee your project.
Program Requirements
- You will undertake a substantial piece of directed artwork or research in a two-semester, 6 credit independent study course (ART 490 or 491) taken, normally, during your last two semesters. A detailed description of the proposal must be submitted on the Independent Study Form the semester before the program is to begin. Due dates for proposals must comply with those set by the College Honors Program.
- Your advisor(s) will give you individual guidelines for your honors project. A copy of these guidelines must accompany your application.
- Your project should encourage, when applicable, the use of galleries, museums, libraries and archives in the geographic area.
- Your advisor(s) will meet with you regularly both semesters to discuss and evaluate the work in progress.
- You will present your completed project to the department Honors Committee, who will evaluate the work for honors in your presence. Questions, responses and general discussion is required.
- You will give the Art Department a copy of your approved completed project. Written projects should be inexpensively bound. Studio projects should be recorded via slides placed in plastic holders in an appropriate cover.
- If your GPA falls below 3.00 or you fail to complete the project on time, you will be dismissed from the program. Appeals for reinstatement may be made to the department Honors Committee and to the department chair.
- If your completed project is not accepted for honors, you shall receive 6 elective credits in Art 490 or 491. If you complete only one semester in the program, you may appeal to the department Honors committee for up to 3 elective credits.

Department of Art
The Department of Art prepares students for professional careers, liberal arts careers and graduate study. We also prepare the pre-K-12 art teachers of tomorrow.
- emailartdepartment@ric.edu
- phone401-456-8054
- placeALEX AND ANI Hall